Pollo e patate con salsa cremosa all’aglio e al parmigiano

Preparare questo piatto è semplice e non richiede molto tempo o sforzi. Inizia preparando le patate e arrostiscile finché non saranno dorate e croccanti.

Mentre le patate sono in forno, puoi concentrarti sul pollo. Rosolando il pollo in una padella, crei una deliziosa crosta che sigilla i succhi, assicurando che rimanga umido.

Successivamente, preparate la salsa cremosa all’aglio e al parmigiano, facendo rosolare l’aglio e aggiungendo la panna e il formaggio fino a ottenere una salsa densa e vellutata.

Il segreto è lasciare sobbollire la salsa e farla addensare fino a raggiungere una consistenza cremosa, senza però farla bollire troppo, perché potrebbe causare…

la crema si rompe. Il risultato è una salsa perfetta per ricoprire il pollo e le patate.

Una volta che il pollo è pronto, uniscilo alla salsa, lasciando che i sapori si fondano. Questo passaggio conferisce al pollo una spinta in più di sapore, assicurando che sia sia succoso che saporito.

The potatoes, which have been roasting in the oven, will add a crispy, golden texture that perfectly complements the creamy chicken.

The best part of this dish is the garlic Parmesan sauce, which can be easily adapted to suit your tastes.

If you prefer a more garlicky flavor, add extra garlic; for a richer taste, increase the amount of Parmesan.

This sauce also works well with other proteins, so feel free to experiment with pork or even shrimp if you’re in the mood for variety.

Once the chicken is coated in the sauce, serve it immediately with the crispy potatoes. The combination of textures.

from the tender chicken to the crunchy potatoes and creamy sauce, makes this meal incredibly satisfying.

Garnish with fresh parsley for a pop of color and a burst of fresh flavor. You can also sprinkle a little extra.

Parmesan over the top for added richness. Serve the dish hot, and enjoy the perfect balance of creamy, savory, and crispy elements in every bite.


For even cooking, try to cut the potatoes into uniform sizes so they cook evenly. You can use baby potatoes for a more delicate texture or regular potatoes for a heartier dish.

If you want to add extra flavor to the potatoes, toss them with some garlic powder, onion powder, or smoked paprika before roasting.

If you’re looking for an extra touch of flavor, marinate the chicken in olive oil, lemon juice, and herbs for 30 minutes before cooking.

This will infuse the meat with additional layers of taste. Additionally, feel free to experiment with different seasonings, such as thyme, rosemary, or oregano, to suit your preference.

For a lighter version of this dish, consider using chicken breasts instead of thighs and reducing the amount of heavy cream.

You can substitute half-and-half or milk for a less rich sauce. Another option is to use cauliflower or sweet potatoes in place of regular potatoes for a lower-carb alternative.

If you prefer a spicier kick, you can add red pepper flakes to the garlic Parmesan sauce or season the chicken with.

chili powder before cooking. This will add some heat to balance the richness of the cream sauce.

If you don’t have Parmesan, you can substitute it with Pecorino Romano or another hard cheese.

Just ensure that the cheese you use has a strong, savory flavor to match the richness of the sauce.

For added texture and flavor, try tossing in some sautéed spinach or mushrooms into the sauce just before serving.

These ingredients complement the creamy sauce and add an extra layer of taste.

If you have leftovers, this dish reheats well and makes a delicious lunch the next day. Store the chicken and potatoes separately to prevent the potatoes from becoming soggy when reheated.


Chicken and Potatoes with Garlic Parmesan Cream Sauce is a comforting, flavorful meal that’s sure to become a family favorite.

The creamy sauce ties everything together, making each bite more delicious than the last. Whether it’s a weeknight.

Che sia una cena o un’occasione speciale, questo piatto è facile da preparare e ricco di sapori intensi e saporiti.

Con il giusto equilibrio di consistenze e sapori, questo piatto è perfetto per qualsiasi pasto. È saziante, soddisfacente e abbastanza versatile da adattarsi alle tue preferenze, assicurandoti che sarà sempre un successo con i tuoi cari.

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